The Weather in Our Neck of the Woods

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sheep, Pigs and Cocks

Yesterday we killed and dressed two of our sheep. Actually our neighbor, Junior did most of the work. We gave him half of the meat, and we gave 5 or 6 of our neighbors part of ours. George was the older of the two. We had some of his ribs today for lunch. Very good! We spent yesterday morning building a concrete feeder in one of our hog pens. We are supposed to get two pigs today.
We loaned out chairs to our neighbors across the road for a fiesta they were having last night. For those of you who haven’t visited us, the house across the road sets back about 100 meters. Fiesta means very loud music and beer, in this case, only until 2 am. We could hear the music and feel content that they were sitting in good chairs. After 4 hours without sleep, Joy was not so charitable in her thoughts.
The chairs have been a good ministry. We lend them out quite often for birthdays and the like.
Last weekend we loaned them out to another neighbor for a fiesta which we later learned was a cock fight, an accepted money making form of entertainment here. We have since decided to refuse the use of the chairs for cock fights, not on Scriptural grounds but because we believe them to be cruelty to animals. Last Sunday after the Saturday night cock fight, the church van narrowly avoided hitting a drunken patron of the fight staggering down the road, rooster in hand (an apparent winner as the rooster was still alive).
This Saturday night’s cock fight was in Caña Blanca, which made our road busy from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am.
Joy had her teen girl’s class today. I believe she is doing a really good thing. We had a good fellowship at church today. There are more bilinguals attending now, but of course it is still a Spanish service, as it should be.
Yari is doing good with her crutches, and seems very happy. She gets frustrated when she can’t go and do like normal, but accepts it and finds other ways to occupy her time. We have extended her facebook time, which helps.
TasselB is almost well, feeling fine and playing again like a puppy. She is still eating the strawberries before we have a chance to pick them, and we are, for the moment, okay with that.

A lovely Sunday evening - Thanks be to God!

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