The Weather in Our Neck of the Woods

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saying goodbye...again

I hate goodbyes. I hate not saying goodbye. I know that I will see Lynne again one day, with no pain or worries. I know that she is happy and whole. I know it all, but I can not stand the thought that I can't see her here again, in this world. What a joyful person - through everything. What a loving spirit, even in her pain. What an encourager, laugher, joker, prankster,and most importantly,dear friend. I miss you terribly, Lynne. We both do.

I know you wish you could tell us all about your journey now, and I want to hear it all in your words, dear sister. You taught me much. Thank you! See you in a little while!

1 comment:

NitWit1 said...

Amen, eloquently said.
Our joy she finally was receiving the intense care and examination she need is now sorrow.

Too little too late, but God probably knew she had endured more than any of us with a normal life span.

This is the third death in my families in 3 months.