The Weather in Our Neck of the Woods

Sunday, August 30, 2009


There is no standard list of spiritual disciplines.

Richard J. Foster divides them into inward disciplines- meditation, prayer, fasting, and study, outward disciplines- simplicity, solitude, submission, and service, and corporate disciplines- confession, worship, guidance, and celebration.

Dallas Willard divides them into two classes: disciplines of abstinence- solitude, silence, fasting, frugality, chastity, secrecy, and sacrifice, and disciplines of engagement- study, worship, celebration, service, prayer, fellowship, confession, and submission.

Some writers add other activities as disciplines, such as journaling, dialogue, witness, stewardship, listening, and memorization.

Kenneth Boa writes in Conformed to His Image, Biblical and Practical Approaches to Spiritual Formation;
"It would be a mistake to claim that every follower of Christ should practice all of these disciplines in a consistent or rigorous way. Some will be more essential for you at one time, and some will serve you better at other times. You will find that some of the disciplines are nonnegotiable while others can be pursued intermittently. Depending on your temperament and circumstances, you will be drawn to some and indifferent to others. Still, it is wise to engage occasionally in the ones you would normally dismiss, so that you can experience their unique benefits."

I’m just up to page 96 of Boa’s 500+ page book so there will probably be more to come. If you can’t read the whole book, try to get your hands on chapter 7.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Have we bought the illusion that we can be like Christ without imitating his spirituality? For many the word discipline reeks with negative connotations. Maybe we should, as Lynn Anderson writes, smell a little more like sheep.

Jesus engaged in all the classic disciplines, such as solitude, silence, simplicity, study, prayer, sacrificial service, and fasting. I don’t know, but it looks like disciple and discipline may come from the same root or origin. Maybe I should be more engaged with discipline if I truly desire to be a disciple.

From Conformed to His Image by Kenneth Boa – “Our ambition must be different from that of others; instead of pursuing position, power, prestige, or wealth, we should seek the approval of our God (2 Corinthians 5:9) is about God and not about us; all things have been created by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16), and we exist to serve God and not to persuade God to serve us. In essence, the Lords repeated message to us in Scripture is I AM GOD, AND YOU ARE NOT.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

On being needed...

This was written last Tuesday, but the computer died, so it is just now getting posted!

Yesterday was my first day of classes. Thank the good Lord that one of the professors is having trouble getting everything set in the new 'moodle' program! I about cried when I saw the requirements for each class! It isn't just what they require (I knew it would be a substantial amount of work, because they are Masters level courses), it 's our life here as well. Yesterday, beginning at 6:45 we had visitors - "can you charge my phone for me?" - "Can I just hang out a while since I am early for school?" - "Senora Joy, I need some paints for school today, can you get me some?" - The most frightening was when Carlos and Didania, Indian children who live out about two miles from here, were standing looking in my front door as I cam out of my bedroom, only partially clothed. That was the 6:45AM visit. Three children came by after school for a snack and to ask for more school supplies, then Yamileth, Emelia and Maria came by to tell us how their day went. I counted 14 interruptions in the few hours I set aside for studying.

To top it off, Lynn is under the weather, and was in bed all day. And if you know how men are when they feel a little bad... :) Dani was not working, or she could have run some interference for me. Magdiel was out back working. I finally turned off the phone, closed and locked the gate out front, and hid out.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Latest Addition

Payasa Pete is our new granddaughter. Isn't she pretty? Other than a few potty training issues she is precious!

The Great Omission

You know that Joy is taking three courses this semester for her Master of Ministry Degree. She may have also told you that we purchased over 35 books for the courses. I generally try to read all the material for her studies. I am on book number six now – THE GREAT OMISSION, RECLAIMING JESUS’S ESSENTIAL TEACHINGS ON DISCIPLESHIP by Dallas Willard. This is a good one. I recommend it. You may remember last year we were concerned about loaning things out and never getting them back. We even made a list with who borrowed what and when, and if they didn’t return the item we would not loan anything else. The culture is “if I borrow from you I will keep it till you come after it.” Well I’m just through the first four chapters of Willard’s book but on page 25 he writes “when you lend a dress, a stereo, a car, or some tools or books, are you able to release them with no hope of seeing them again, as Luke 6:35 suggests we should?” I had to read Luke 6:35. I believe that’s what it says. What a ministry. How small I feel for having a list.

Another thing that hit us hard was just on the next page. James 1:2-3 talks about welcoming as friends trials and temptations that intrude on our lives. We thought about the shopping problems we told you about earlier this week.

Discipleship is not only for super Christians. The word “Disciple” occurs 269 times in the New Testament while “Christian” is found only three times. We sometimes feel discipleship is optional, but it is not. That’s what we are supposed to do – make disciples.

We pray that you, like us, will strive to be happy in all our circumstances, and truly work to become disciples of Christ.

Look what God sent us!!!!!

"When all kinds of trials and temptations crowd into your life, my brothers, don't resent them as intruders, but welcome them as friends! Realize that they come to test your faith and to produce in you the quality of endurance"

Chapter 1, verses 2 & 3

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Part two

Continuing with my sad story – we left the bank and headed to the Ferreteria (hardware/farm store). There I asked, among other things, for string for the weed eater. Now, this store has several employees who speak perfectly good Spanish, but the owner and his wife also work there, and they speak Chinese and Spanish – sort of. That is because they are from China (: )). Of course, for this day (now yesterday) the one who was available to serve me was Miki, the boss. I needed .065 string, and asked for it. He said no, .085. I said, “No, I need .065 for this weed eater”. He repeated, “No, .085”. WE did this 3 or 4 times, when I finally thought I understood that he did not have any .065. This was after I wrote it down, and he scratched out what I wrote and wrote .085 twice. I was thinking we had a communication problem, but finally I asked, “You only have .085? he said, “No, I have every size string there is, and there is no .065.” He was laughing at me being so silly. I had bought this string before and was pretty sure it was the right number, so I said, Ökay, I will bring you some when I find it to show you what to buy for the future”. He laughed and said that I would not because it did not exist. I only smiled and said that I needed some other things.

Actually I needed two orders of things. One that I would take with to our house and another for Yeya, a widow in our congregation whose house is in sad disrepair. He asked what else I needed. I told him 3 inch concrete nails, and he got them. Then I said I needed 3 bags of concrete and his shoulders dropped. He said”, “Okay, but what other small stuff?” I looked over the list and said the rest was big stuff, planks of wood, etc.. He then directed me to the check out counter saying something about the cashier could help me with the big stuff. I said okay, thanks and went to the counter. I told her that Miki had sent me to her to order concrete and other outside stuff. She looked at me like I was crazy. I said, “I know, you don’t do that, but he said to come to you.” She asked him something in Spanish too fast for me to understand then rolled her eyes and asked what I needed. I began reading my list and she wrote down what I needed. One of the things was 4 fajillas 1 x 4 x 12”. After she wrote it down, she could not find the price, so asked Miki how much they cost each. He said $3.00. She wrote $3 on the ticket, finished the other things on the ticket, told me the total cost, and I paid for the first order. I told her I had a second ordered to be delivered, so she gave the order to Miki, who took it to an employee to load into our truck.

She and I settle in to fill the second, larger order which includes 4 more fajillas the same size. This is the wood they use to frame up the concrete for floors. Then Miki comes in yelling at the cashier that she should have charged $3.50 for the fajillas (first order) because they need to be cut. He explained this several times before marching back out to watch the order put into the truck. She only smiled and told me that she would need to charge me $3.50 for the second order of fajillas. I told her that was fine. That is when things got a little crazy. She said “Oh! I need to get them to cut the four others while the saw is going!” She ran toward the door as Miki came back in and she said that we needed 4 more boards. He starts raising his voice asking why she did not tell him earlier, she explains it is a different order. He goes to tell the guy cutting and loading the wood. That guy has a problem understanding Miki, so goes to Lynn to explain. H e asks Lynn for the receipt, but Lynn does not understand the Spanish. So comes back to me to tell me that the guy outside wants something but he does not know what. I cannot leave to help him before we finish the order. In the meantime, several men have come to the counter with purchases, and she always rings them up, takes their money, and sacks their things then returns to my order. So before Lynn can walk back out the door the guy comes in and asks the cashier why he is cutting 8 instead of 4 boards. She explains that there are two orders, he says, “So what do I do with the second set of 4 boards?” She says they are to be delivered, and he walks out. Just as we begin again to complete the ordering process the delivery driver comes in and asks if she has any orders, to which she rplies that I am just ordering a delivery. He says to me, “Well, where do you live?”, then “Öh! I remember, across from the Horse ranch named Pomes, right? I said, “Yes, but this is not for my house”. Before I could say more Miki comes in and asks why aren’t they putting the second set of boards in the truck, and why is my order taking so long.

Lynn is back inside, laughing now at the circus act. I am still smoldering over the encounter with the banker, and another man comes up with his arms full of items to buy. The cashier stops talking to Miki and rings up, takes the money, and bags the purchases. Miki is looking to me for answers. I say that I have an order that we are finishing up, and that the last 4 boards are being delivered to another house. The driver pipes in “So it is not to your house?” No, it is to a neighbor’s house who lives near us. When you go to Elsas turn left then take the first right…” The cashier asks me to complete the order so Miki will be happy. The driver says “So when did you move? I thought your house was really nice…” Lynn goes back outside still laughing. The wood cutter comes in asking for the ticket because someone else is saying that all 8 pieces need to go into our truck, but he thinks we did not pay for 8 pieces. It is just too sad to not to laugh. The driver is called away to make another delivery, but the cashier call him back because I was there first. Miki says my order is taking too long, and he needs a copy of the receipt for the delivery (which is not completed because of all the distractions).

I just stand there as two more customers come up, the cashier rings them up, takes their money and bags their goods. Mind you, the bank experience was only an hour ago at this point. I am asking God what I have done wrong. I am sure the girls are waiting at the house (remember the division lesson) so, the driver leaves toward the back of the store, I could not make out what he was saying. I spit out the last two things on my list and plop down my debit card. Miki is standing waiting and grabs the receipt as soon as it is finished. It has not been rung up, but the girl’s calls to see the receipt go unnoticed or unheard. Miki goes to the copy machine, puts the receipt in the top and walks away. The girl does not know how much to charge my card, so we wait, again. The cutter brings the 4 boards inside and asks where the cashier wants them. She said outside, by the saw until the driver is ready to deliver them. More customers come and go. Lynn is in and out. I think he can not stand to miss the circus, but then can’t stand the tension, so leaves again. I begin to silently pray that I don’t explode all over some ( a few) undeserving people, thus setting a poor example of Christ.

After 10 minutes Miki comes and asks why I am still there – he asks the cashier, not me, thankfully. She says she needs the receipt to ring up the transaction and charge my card. He says that if I am using a card she has to charge a 2% fee on the purchase of cement. She looks at me, and I say “fine”. Then Miki walks a way toward the back of the store.

I, at my wits end, call out, “Senor, donde esta la factura? Necesitamos para terminar el ordenar.” (Sir, where is the receipt? We need it to complete the order,) he turns and speaks some rapid Chinese then goes to the copy machine and begins cursing because the paper is not copied. He opens the machine (the one he never pushed the button on to copy) and begins looking for a paper jam. He spends two minutes on this then calls his wife to fix the machine. He says there is a jam and he can not find it. She begins breaking down the machine to find the paper jam. I walk over and tell her that she just needs to push the button as her husband did not. She says no, you can’t push the button when there is a jam. I walk away. Lynn comes and goes. The cashier goes over and asks to borrow the receipt for a minute to ring up the order. The cutter comes in again asking for the receipt for order 2 because he does not think we paid for the second 4 pieces of wood. Miki’s wife lets the cashier have the receipt but the woodcutter takes it from her hands and finds the second order of wood, then asks her where she wants it. She tells him again that they should be set by the saw for the delivery guy.

Right then the deliver guy walks up with a pad of paper asking for directions to my new house. I explain it is not my house, it is a neighbor’s house. I draw a map and explain exactly where her house is, and that there are trees across the road so he cannot go all the way to the house. He says he understands now, and goes to load the ripio (sand / rock mix). The cashier, now with the receipt in hand, rings up the order. I pay (for the privilege of the experience, I think) and with the original receipt head out the door. I realize that the driver does not know what else to put on the truck, so, against my better judgment, return inside while the first set of 4 boards is being loaded in the truck – still don’t know why they waited until I came out to load it.

I asked Miki’s wife to make a copy of the receipt. She said ok, but it would cost me 25 cents. I explain that the copy is for the delivery guy. She says he already has one. I knew he didn’t. I turned to the cashier and asked her if the deliver guy had a receipt. She thought a moment and said “No, we did not get a copy before”. Miki’s wife said, “Then how did he know what to load up?” I said that he looked at it for a moment and saw that he needed 6 meters of ripio so went to load that first. She said he should not have done that without the receipt. I just smiled and handed her the receipt. She took it, put it in the copier, and low and behold! She pushed the button and out came a copy!!!!! She tried to hand me the copy but I asked for the original, so she pulled the original out and gave it to me.

I walked out the door sure that my blood pressure was over the roof. Lynn was finishing tying on the boards, and we headed down the road to buy the string at a different ferretería. As we pulled in the big truck from Miki’s pulled in behind us. The driver got out and said that it would require two loads to get all the materials to Yeya’s house, so he needed $2 more for the second trip. I gave him the $2 , said thank you very much, and walked into the other ferretería. They did not have the string either, so we will have to go to David to find it. Lynn rechecked to be sure, and .065 is what the machine needs.

So we head to the house. When we arrive Yamileth and Emelia are on the front porch waiting. On the back porch two teenagers who used to worship with us are waiting to visit. By now it is 4:45. So I started the class with the girls, and gave them a worksheet, then went to visit with Jairo and Tatiana. Finally at 5:30 I had to tell them that the girls were waiting for a scheduled class, and they said ok, and went out back to visit with Lynn.

The girls and I practiced our times tables for 45 minutes then I sent them on their way before it got dark. They will come back today at 1:00 (  who knows what time it will be, but I will be glad to see them and work with them more.) When they were saying goodbye, I realized that Jairo and Tatiana were still here. I needed to get supper started, but the custom here is if you start on the meal while you have guests, you also feed the guests, and by this time I was totally exhausted and could not imagine entertaining more guests through supper. So I waited. They stayed another 30 minutes, then left in a hurry as the rain started a gain.

At 6:20 I declared that I would not be cooking and we all went to a local restaurant that has the very best grilled chicken and fries. Just as we head to the car the skies open to a downpour. I got soaked getting to the truck. I am worrying about Yeya’s cement, if it is dry. Not paying attention, I step in a hole that causes the water to come pouring into my shoe. I just jumped into the car without a word. We get to the restaurant and the wind is blowing and I am soaked. I gave our only two umbrellas to our guests, so they aren’t too wet. I sit freezing, consoled by the thought of the great grilled chicken dinner I will have. The owner comes to take our order. We all order the same thing, and she goes off to cook. You know what happened next, right? She comes back to our table, Ï am sorry but we are out of grilled chicken, can I get you some fried chicken?” In case you are wondering, no, this is nowhere near the same thing. I order a pork chop and diet coke. Everyone else has the fried chicken. The meal was fine. I froze throughout but the food was good. I nixed the idea of a movie and said I had to go to bed early. I was exhausted and brain-weary. On the way home I tell Lynn I am going to bed by 8. He says, “You can not go to bed without blogging about today. It was just too good to pass up! ”. So I stayed up until 10:00 telling this story, that most of you will not appreciate at all, but I have done it for prosperity’s sake.

I must say, though it may not sound like I know it, I am so blessed to be here, having these problems – these nuisances in a beautiful land with a beautiful people. I know it, God reminds me daily. Just thought you would like to have a chance to relate, and remember that we are all in this boat together.

God is so good to us!
May he bless each of you richly!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some days are diamonds….

today might not have been one of those!

Let me share a bit from my day;
I woke up late – it was 6:38, and I could not get out of bed. My back was in rebellion from the standing, bending and twisting I did yesterday sorting bible class material for the church in Coclecito. I stayed in bed for an additional 10 minutes doing stretches to warm the muscles. Then I got up slowly and started breakfast. Eggs & pancakes. We have visitors here for the week – Magdiel’s folks, and the men had a project planned for 8:00 so I hurried to get that done.

Determined to take it easy on my back today, I sat to begin reading, but was quickly drawn away to translate, or to make a decision, or to see a part of the project. Before I knew it I was walking up the road with Lynn to cut bamboo for various projects, then carrying them back to the house. We went straight from that to garden work. Lynn planted potatoes, and then prepared a bed for cilantro, and then we planted that. Next we moved the strawberry patch to more fertile, and protected ground. After that I came in & changed clothes to help Dany with lunch. I made bread that went along with rice, salchichas (sausages), salad and pineapple.

After lunch I prepared lessons for Yamileth and Emelia in division. Both are having trouble with it, so I made up some worksheets and flashcards so that when they came at 1:00 I would be ready. We had set 1:00 today to begin. Remember that we are in Panama. The clock works differently here. I was preparing for the 1:00 class at 12:45, with the expectation that they would arrive at 2:00. They didn’t. So, at 3:00 Lynn and I headed into town to purchase things that the guys needed to finish the loafing shed project.
Sidebar –
Magdiel’s family could not afford to come and visit him without our help, so we decided it was time to turn the loafing shed into a sheep barn, feed room, and a poop room (animal excrement room for fertilization purposes.) Thus we had a job that Ariel, Mag’s dad could do to make the money for the visit. Hopefully I can share more about this in the future, but that is what the guys (Magdiel, Ariel, and Kevin, the younger brother) are working on this week.

Okay, so off to town we go, with list in hand. Ariel’s list of what he needs for tomorrow’s work, Lynn’s list of the things he needs to complete various small projects, and a grocery list. First stop – the bank to get cash.

Our working accounts for both the farm and the ministry are held at Twin Lakes Community in Flippin, Arkansas. To access that money we use debit cards. Has not been a problem since we moved here until the last month. Two things occurred simultaneously: the ATM machines here began charging a $3 transfer fee, and the machines began showing a message that says “Your bank cannot be reached at this time and you have exceeded your daily withdrawal limit”. Well, first, Lynn is pretty tight, and doesn’t want to pay the $3, and second, we know we haven’t used the card, so cannot have exceeded our daily withdrawal limit. So, as a result I have to go into the bank each time I want to withdraw cash. We have an account here that we use to pay our electric bill, and other in-country things, with HSBC, so that is where we go to do our banking business. The only problem is there is guy who works there who is always rude, snobby, and unhelpful at every opportunity. I try to avoid his window if possible, but today, of course, I could not. I explained that I needed to withdraw cash from two debit cards, and told him how much from each. He looked over the cards for several seconds, then asked if I had my passport with me. I said that I had my carnet (my permanent resident visa)but not my passport, and he said that he needed to see my passport. I asked why, since I had an account there, he saw me every week, and my passport number was on the carnet. He looked around to see who might have heard me (I was not speaking softly) and decided that the carnet was ok.

I gave it to him, then he went to work on getting the paperwork done. Computers are everywhere, but the banks here still insist on a mountain of paper trails. I personally think it is just to keep people employed , at very low pay. At any rate he finally finishes and asks me to sign the two different credit card slips. I sign the first, then don’t remember how to sign on the Riverside account, so ask to see my card. He asks why, and I try to explain that I need to see how to sign so it will be the same as the card. He says in a very condescending voice (with face to match) “that is not important, everyone knows that you need to sign the same as your passport”. I said, “No, not for my bank, it needs to be signed just as I signed when I created the account.”. He laughed and said that I was wrong, that I must sign as my passport is signed, and that is why I must have my passport with me to withdraw money. He is feeling quite pleased with himself at this point, and I am growing more impatient. I tried to explain that if I did not sign the same as on my account that my bank would not honor the request. He said again, more loudly “that is not important, all banks require that you sign the same as your passport.”

I said, “Could I please have my card back?” He said when the transaction was complete he would return both of my cards. He then said “I understand that most people are not aware of the requirements of banks, and how things work in banks, but you must follow our rules if you want to get your money.” I am bordering on furious, so scribble something on both slips and state calmly that I hope that my bank rejects them both and he is left to pay his bank what mine did not honor. I hand him the slips and wait. His attitude changes a little – a little less self assured, but he continues with the transaction. When he finally gives me the money, and then returns my cards he asks, “Is the signature the same?”and I can see he is a little bit concerned, now, so I look at the cards and say “NO”, and turn and walk away.

Don’t think that all banks or people are like that. Normally they are very helpful, and even if they do things differently, they are still quite nice and happy to explain why. He is just a bit power-hungry, I think.

That is just the beginning of what has become a monstrous day of small things that begs the question,”WHY?” I will share more tomorrow. For now I am going to bed!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just a note...

Today is Sunday, and the church just scattered after a great time of worship, fellowship and food. We had 41 in attendance today. Norman, from David came up to offer words of encouragement about Jesus' promise to come back for us one day, and his statement that we should have faith in him just as we do in God. Good words to hear for weary sojourners! Remember the goal ahead! God is faithful to do as he has promised through His Son! Lucha!!!(one of my favorite Spanish words, it translates keep fighting in the NVI) Sometimes it is easier than others - like today when I was surrounded by fellow strugglers, fellow seekers, friends and brothers. Sometimes it isn't so easy - like when a loved one is very ill, or the road seems scattered with one disappointment after another. Even then it is easier when we remember what Jesus promised in John 14: He is coming back for us, to take us to a place where there is plenty of room for every one of us to be with him.

I really appreciate those of you - Tim M.and Kim J. to mention a couple, who make the time to regularly post to your blogs. Personally they lift me up, and as a fellow blogger they encourage me to be more faithful about jotting a note or two. I want to be more like you guys! Heather does not send an email without reminding me that I should blog (Thanks to you too, Heather. My goal is to get something out once a week. Let's see how I do!

We have beloved guests in the house this week - again! New ones - Magdiel's family is here visiting for the week, as his brother is on mid-year vacation from school. This dear family lives in Santa Marta, where the medical mission team went last June. they have never been to our Province, so we will do a little sight-seeing, and Ariel will also do some remodeling of our loafing shed for the sheep, who will begin to have babies next month. He works with concrete so has offered his services to get the house fixed up for the new arrivals. We are looking forward to a fun week.

Some say I have gone completely crazy, but I am taking three Master of Ministry classes this semester plus 2 practicum classes (to practice what I am learning). I am trying to get a headstart by reading some of the textbooks ahead of time. For the three classes we purchased 35 books, so I have a ways to go! Classes start in 8 days, and I am excited about what I will learn. I should say what we will learn because Lynn and I both read all the material and discuss the classes so that we both gain the knowledge and insight of the great professors at Harding. I am learning from two new (to me) teachers this semester - Dan Stockstill and Dr. Crenshaw. I also have my favorite, and most challenging friend, Randy for a Leadership class. I am looking forward to them all!

Thunderstorm here now, so I will close for the moment. Our prayer is that you, our dear brothers and sisters are Richly Blessed by our Amazing Father!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Good friends, good company!

Saturday, 8th August, 2009

We just finished having our fourth mission team here, if you count the Santa Marta Medical Campaign. Harry and Lisa Hammett were here for a week. Lisa has been here about 3 times before, but it was Harry’s first trip. We didn’t know Harry very well but had time to understand and appreciate his servant heart. Of course we have known about Lisa’s good heart for some time. We met them at the Tocúmen Airport last Saturday night. Their plane was late and their luggage didn’t arrive. After many calls and delays, we were able to drive to David Wednesday night and pick up the luggage at the airport. After meeting them Saturday night we went to a modest hotel in Panama City for the night. The next morning we left the hotel at 6am, took a shuttle to the bus station, and caught a bus to Penonome, where we had left our truck. We drove to Santa Marta, snacking on the way, arriving just in time for church with the brothers and sisters there. It was a great experience for all of us. We left soon after church, stopped in Aguadulce for lunch, and arrived home at about 8pm. Monday we spent most of the day preparing the VBS agenda and resting. Tuesday we repaired a window for one of our elderly widows. She lives in a small wooden house with a dirt floor. Later the church plans to purchase the materials for her brother to put down a concrete floor. Later Tuesday we bought the supplies, paint, brushes, rollers, etc. to paint school rooms. We started on the fourth grade room at El Valle and quit about 6pm. Wednesday we headed for the little Caña Blanca school . We did our VBS in the morning for the eight kids, fixed sandwiches for lunch, then painted and weed-eated in the afternoon. We will go back next week to finish the painting. Thursday morning we took a little touristy trip through Cerro Punta and the Barú National Park. Thursday afternoon we finished painting the fourth grade room and started on the kindergarten room, didn’t finish, will go back next week. Friday we headed for a beach, about 2-1/2 hours away, called Las Lajas. We spent the afternoon and night at the Las Lajas Beach Resort. It was very nice and had a special off-season rate. This morning we put Harry and Lisa on the 8am bus to Panama City from San Felix. They had about a 5 hour trip to Panama City with a reservation at an upscale hotel before their flight out tomorrow morning. They should have had time for a visit to the canal. We headed home but, of course, stopped at McDonalds in David for breakfast.
The week went well. Some might argue that it was not evangelical enough, but there were a lot of children and adults that saw people who at great expense and some sacrifice were trying to show Jesus. We believe God smiled on our efforts this week, and that Harry and Lisa will be better disciples for the experience.