The Weather in Our Neck of the Woods

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Melancholy moments

We have enjoyed the company of our youngest for the past 5 weeks, but have reached the time when we must say goodbye for a few months. Funny, it doesn't seem like that long, but right now, to me, it seems an eternity. Perhaps it has something to do with him just turning 18 a few days ago, and that he is my baby, and that his big brother is going with him. Whatever the cause I am feeling pretty far from home right now.
There are so many things to be done, I know I will not be bored, so I am trying to focus on that. There is a team, albeit a small team, coming down at the end of July, so we will see some dearly loved folks. Then our dear daughter ( in spirit) Melissa will marry her beau on August 11th in Panama City. On the 18th I will speak before the National Church of Christ Ladies Convention, also in Panama City. Right after that there is a big campaign in Chiman, Darien that we hope to be a part of. Our chicken house is not done, nor have we bought any sheep yet. The English lessons have increased in number of students, and classes (23 and 4 respectively). We are taking food to the school on a weekly basis, and it is time for us to leave the country for a day or two.

The latter is because of the Visa regulations here. Every 90 days we must leave the country for at least one night before returning. This 'tourist visa' has been a big topic of conversation among the Ex-pats here, as the laws are about to be changed to only 1 month with alot of paperwork to obtain an extension. For this reason we need to hurry to get our Retirement Visa, which allows permanent residency.

So, maybe God is going to keep us too busy to miss the boys for awhile. But I would ask for prayers for the whole family; for safe travels, and steady hearts.

We know that we are missing much excitement at our home congregation, and pray that you are all well, and fed. Congratulations to Roscoe and Jenny!!!! May God bless you and your family as you seek Him in your life together.

We have open beds for any who wish to visit - you are always welcome.

God continues to teach and test us as we work in this beautiful land of beautiful people. We continue to learn, and overcome, thanks be to our ever faithful God!

I was blessed today by reading the following, maybe you need to hear it too:
...and be content with what you have because God has said
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
So we say with confidence,
"The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
Hebrews 13:5-6
No matter how tough it seems, no matter how bleak, remember our strength comes from Him, who is all-powerful. Our hope lies in Him, who conquered death. Our joy, yes even our joy, is found in Him, who loves us more than anyone.
Sleep on that!!!!!

May God bless you RICHLY!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Sister Joy,
You & your family (all of it) are in my thoughts and prayers often! Thanks for sending me the blog address so that I can keep up with you!

Need some help on this end...let me know!

Grace & peace to you all.