We arrived back in Arkansas last night to frigid weather - at least for us! But we are glad to be here, and looking forward to hugging and visiting with dear friends and family.
We had a wonderful 10 days with Heather Ruth, Lynn's daughter. We took her to see as much of our beautiful country as possible in such a short time, but we loved seeing it all through her eyes!
We visited our much loved family in Santa Marta just before flying back to the States, and they send love and blessings to the Riverside family. We will be trying to gather contributions for Christmas gifts for the children there while we are home. Their only income-maker - oranges- have produced very well throughout Panama, so the price has bottomed out. They are now making $1.25per hundred, as opposed to $2.50 last year. So, their situation is dire, once again. We hope to bring them in some fruit and clothing for the children on our return.
Great to be home! We hope we get to see you while we are in! See you at Riverside!!!!!