Our time here in Arkansas comes to an end in just two short weeks. It has been a short trip this time, and our last for some time. God has opened the doors and shown us the direction we should go, and we are following His lead. We are making the permanent move to our Volcan home on January 29, 2009.
While it is difficult to say good-byes here to our dear family, we are needed in Volcan. The church is not yet strong enough to stand without guidance, and Satan is ever-watchful for ways to slip in and destroy what God is building.
That said, we are selling or giving away all that we have here, and leaning heavily on God's hand and protection. We aren't worried. He has always known what He had in mind for us, and He has never failed us yet. We will be better than fine.
Lots of stuff for sale at an indoor sale benefiting the work in Panama this coming Saturday from 8:00 to 5:00 at the Riverside building in Gassville. Come see us!
Please keep us in your prayers, and the dear little church we are a part of. WE will keep you posted on all the great things God is doing there!
Richest Blessings!